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Showing posts from May, 2022

How to create a REST API Pagination in Spring Boot with Spring HATEOAS using MongoDB

Introduction In this post we are going to see how we can create a REST API pagination in Spring Boot with Spring HATEOAS and Spring Data MongoDB . For basic queries, we can interact with MongoDB using the MongoRepository interface which is what we are going to use in this tutorial. For more advanced operations like update and aggregations we can use the MongoTemplate class. With Spring applications we start adding the needed dependencies to our pom file if using Maven as our build tool. For this project we are going to use the following dependencies: Spring Web , Spring Data MongoDB and Spring HATEOAS . To quickly create your Spring Boot project with all your dependencies you can go to the Spring Initializr web page. This is how your project should look like: As with any MVC application like Spring there are some minimal layers that we need to create in our application in order to make it accessible like the Controller , Service , Model and Repository layers . For this...