Introduction Now that you've already learned the basic concepts needed to become a Blockchain developer, in our introductory article , and are more familiar with the entire ecosystem of tools needed, in this article we will see how to write and deploy our first Smart Contract using Solidity. According to Solidity website: Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs that govern the behavior of accounts within the Ethereum state. Getting Started with the Solidity language The easiest way to start writing your first Solidity Smart Contrat is using Remix an online Ethereum IDE. To start creating your first Smart Contract you need to create a file with the .sol extension. So if you see a file with the .sol extension, that's a Smart Contract. In Solidity we make use of a preprocessor directive to tell the compiler how to compile our code. Being a statically typed language, all types in our code ...