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Getting to know Kubernetes core principles and how to create a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud


In this post you are going to learn the core principles of Kubernetes and how to create a k8s cluster in Google Cloud

Project Creation and Confiuration

The first thing you need to do on GCP in order to create a Kubernetes cluster is to create a project so you can later be able to add services to it. So, go to your Google Cloud Console and create a new project now if you haven´t done it yet.

With our project created we need to enable the Kubernetes Engine API for the project so we can start using the gcloud client to configure and create our cluster.

So, those are the steps we will need to cover after our project creation:

1. Enable Kubernetes Engine API in the Google Cloud Console
2. Install gcloud client
3. Install kubectl client
4. Logging to GCP
5. Setting a Project ID
6. Creating a Cluster
7. Creating a Pod
8. Creating a Service
9. Increase replica count

1. Enable Kubernetes Engine API in the Google Cloud Console

Go to the Kubernetes Engine menu in the Google Cloud Console to enable the API.

2. Install gcloud client

Install the gcloud client so you can use it to create your cluster and manage your resources on GCP:
You can access this great installation tutorial from Google.

3. Install kubectl client

Next, install kubectl client on your dev machine so you can use it to list your cluster objects like nodes, pods and services.

gcloud components install kubectl

4. Logging to GCP

Now that we have everything settled we are ready to login to CGP. From your terminal type the following to authenticate to GCP.

gcloud auth login

This will open a browser window to authenticate your user. Log in to your Google user account and allow access to the Google Cloud SDK.

Next we need to set the project id in which our new cluster will be created.

gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

5. Setting a Project ID

Get the project id from the Google Cloud Console project list and change the PROJECT_ID with its value.

gcloud config set project k8s-nosqljs

6. Creating a Cluster

Run the "gcloud container clusters create" command to create a cluster with the desired name and number of nodes:
gcloud container clusters create nosqljs --num-nodes 3

As we can see from the GCC, our cluster have just been created with three worker nodes.

In Kubernetes you don´t deal with containers directly. To run a container we first need to create a Pod in a worker node. A Pod is a group of one or more containers. You can read more here in the docs. Also from the docs, "Each Pod is meant to run a single instance of a given application. If you want to scale your application horizontally (to provide more overall resources by running more instances), you should use multiple Pods, one for each instance. In Kubernetes, this is typically referred to as replication."

Let´s run the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, to list the created nodes:

kubectl get nodes

You should now have an output similar to this one with our newly created kubernetes cluster containing three worker nodes:

NAME                                     STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg   Ready       87m   v1.19.9-gke.1900
gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-fw20   Ready       87m   v1.19.9-gke.1900
gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-j1j7   Ready       87m   v1.19.9-gke.1900

Each Node have three components in it: the kubelet, a container runtime, and the kube-proxy. You can read more about them here in the docs.

Now, what! We have our kubernetes cluster created, we have our worker nodes, but how do we ask Kubernetes to run a container for us? Once again we will use kubectl client to run it for us.

7. Creating a Pod

kubectl run nosqljs --image=cjafet/nosqljs --port=7700 --generator=run/v1

replicationcontroller/nosqljs created

As we can see we need to have a public docker image, like one in the docker hub, that we can use to create a container with it so when Kubelet tell Docker he can find and pull our image from the registry.

The kubectl run command create and run a particular image in a Pod for us. As you can see we don´t even need to create the Pod itself. We just ask Kubernetes to do it for us.

Now would be a good time to find out if we have any Pod created for us by Kubernetes! We can do that by ruunning the following kubectl command:

kubectl get pods

This will give us the following result:

nosqljs-b2zdf 1/1     Running   0          3m50s

Thats awesome isnt it? Lets improve this output by also making it return the information about the node the pod is running on by using the -o wide option, like this:

kubectl get pods -o wide

That would give us the following result:

NAME          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP          NODE                                     
nosqljs-b2zdf 1/1     Running   0          5m17s   gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg 

We can now inspect our Pod by using the describe command to see if we can find our container running inside of it:

kubectl describe pod nosqljs-b2zdf

Name:         nosqljs-b2zdf
Namespace:    default
Priority:     0
Node:         gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg/
Start Time:   Sun, 13 Jun 2021 16:56:22 -0300
Labels:       run=nosqljs
Status:       Running
Controlled By:  ReplicationController/nosqljs
    Container ID:   containerd://aaeff88568513aef023757c76772434cb31e4b205771eeed0d07dd0827c4a22a
    Image:          cjafet/nosqljs
    Image ID:
    Port:           7700/TCP
    Host Port:      0/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Sun, 13 Jun 2021 16:56:26 -0300
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
      /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-r6qqw (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             True
  ContainersReady   True
  PodScheduled      True
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  default-token-r6qqw
    Optional:    false
QoS Class:       BestEffort
Tolerations: for 300s
        for 300s
  Type    Reason     Age   From                                             Message
  ----    ------     ----  ----                                             -------
  Normal  Scheduled  6m5s  default-scheduler                                Successfully assigned default/nosqljs-b2zdf to gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg
  Normal  Pulling    6m4s  kubelet, gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg  Pulling image "cjafet/nosqljs"
  Normal  Pulled     6m2s  kubelet, gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg  Successfully pulled image "cjafet/nosqljs" in 2.666870546s
  Normal  Created    6m1s  kubelet, gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg  Created container nosqljs
  Normal  Started    6m1s  kubelet, gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg  Started container nosqljs

You can see now that we have our image running in a container with the ready status equals to true!! We can also find information about the container port, uptime, number of restarts and even which replication controller is responsible for it in the "Controlled By" section. We will need this information to expose our service to the web.

8. Creating a Service

To be able to access our container application there is yet one more step we need to do here. We need to tell kubernetes to expose the resource, the replication controller, it has created in the kubectl run command we used before. This is how we are going to ask Kubernetes to expose our replication controller for us, by creating a service of type load balancer:

kubectl expose rc nosqljs --type=LoadBalancer --name=nosqljs-http

service/nosqljs-http exposed

We can now check if our service was created. At first we will get a pending status while kubernetes is creating our load balancer. When it is all done it will show the external IP address that our service will respond for requests.

kubectl get services

NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
kubernetes     ClusterIP     none          443/TCP          2d22h
nosqljs-http   LoadBalancer   pending       7700:30015/TCP   16s
kubectl get services

NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
kubernetes     ClusterIP                      443/TCP          2d22h
nosqljs-http   LoadBalancer   7700:30015/TCP   93s

We can also get the name of our replication controller like this:

kubectl get rc
nosqljs   1         1         1       137m

You may be wondering by now why we need a service and what is a replication controller. Kubernetes Pods are ephemeral. Every time it is recreated it gets assigned a new IP address, so we need a way to expose all pods through a single IP address that will never change. A service is this layer of abstraction that will define a logical set of Pods. A ReplicationController is responsible to make sure the right number of pods are running. As we will see in a later post, a ReplicaSet is now the recommended way to set up replication.

You can read more about services here and more about replication controller here.

9. Increase replica count

There is one important thing to notice here. Even though we have three worker nodes, we can see that the DESIRED number of pods that we have in our rc is one and as a result we are just using the node ending in f7f90d91-c9tg as we can see from the kubectl get pods -o wide command. So, lets change that by setting the desired number of replicas in our replication controller to three instead of one:

kubectl scale rc nosqljs --replicas=3

replicationcontroller/nosqljs scaled

If we run the get rc command again we should now have three instead of one for the desired number of pods.

kubectl get rc

nosqljs   3         3         3       177m

We can also check the number of pods again by running the -o wide command and this time we will notice that each pod is running in a single node and that the three nodes are being used:

$ kubectl get pods -o wide
NAME            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP          NODE                                     
nosqljs-b2zdf   1/1     Running   0          3h3m   gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-c9tg   
nosqljs-sbrwh   1/1     Running   0          6m40s   gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-fw20   
nosqljs-zq47k   1/1     Running   0          6m40s   gke-nosqljs-default-pool-f7f90d91-j1j7   


In the next posts we'll go even further by covering more advanced kubernetes concepts like deployments and configmap. We will need to change the way our in-memory database records are saved, because as they are now inside the container we will get different results back from our service, since we are accessing and saving each time in a different container. We will learn that, next!

All commands used in this post

gcloud components install kubectl

gcloud auth login

gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

gcloud container clusters create nosqljs --num-nodes 3

kubectl get nodes

kubectl run nosqljs --image=cjafet/nosqljs --port=8080 --generator=run/v1

kubectl get pods -o wide

kubectl describe pod nosqljs-b2zdf

kubectl expose rc nosqljs --type=LoadBalancer --name=nosqljs-http

kubectl get services

kubectl get rc

kubectl scale rc nosqljs --replicas=3


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