Introduction I have been working in a project to enable anyone to fork and run a retrospective board in its own server. I have created 2 (two) projects: one for the UI with React and GraphQL using Apollo client and one for the GraphQL server also using Apollo (Server) and MongoDB for the database. In the following sections I am going to walk you through the steps and explain how to run both projects. Main features The board main features: - History of your past iteractions saved in the Mongo database - Easy url link format to quick access any past iteractions - Automatically add action items as last action items in the new board - Quick move items to Action Items Coming next You can fork the React UI from the following GitHub repo: - Support for multiple teams - Authentication - Subscriptions (pub/sub) Code Repo You can fork the React UI from the following GitHub repo: React Retrospective UI You can fork the GraphQL Server from the following GitHub rep...